ParisTech Review app for iPhone and iPad
ParisTech Review is the online magazine of ParisTech that assesses how technological innovations, as well as major changes in demographics, the climate and natural ressources, will bring sweeping changes to business, the economy, society and individuals.
The ParisTech Review application gives you free access to the latest and the most popular articles of the review. You can save them if you want to read them later on the application or on such services as Instapaper or Read It Later ; share them by email or on Facebook and Twitter. You can decide to read the articles in English or French. Finally you can recommend the application to your networks directly or susbscribe to the ParisTech Review newsletter.
The ParisTech Review application, designed by Upian, can be read on iPhone and iPad.
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The Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech) brings together 12 of Frances elite graduate schools : a business school, HEC Paris, and 11 schools of science, economy and technology (AgroParisTech, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Chimie Paris ParisTech, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, ENSAE ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA ParisTech, ESPCI ParisTech, Institut dOptique Graduate School, Mines ParisTech, TELECOM ParisTech).